An essay about the theme of appearances vs reality as it appears in Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Hamlet - Appearances Versus Reality One of the major themes in Hamlet by William Shakespeare is the concept of things not always being as they appear. This is demonstrated by most of the major characters in this play. Claudius brings up this factor in more than one aspect; his love for Hamlet and Gertrude can be examined in regards to appearances versus reality. Hamlet can also be viewed in this manner with respect to his …

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…he wanted to appear to be a caring politician while at the same time being a deceitful spy. Ophelia appeared to her peers as an innocent girl, yet her experience with Hamlet is beyond what it appeared to be. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern attempt to appear as Hamlet's friends, yet their correspondence with the Claudius makes them an enemy to Hamlet. Therefore Hamlet is as play that clearly demonstrates that things aren't always as they seem.