An essay about the science fiction film genre.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
Science Fiction Film: An Overview The science fiction film genre has been around almost as long as movies have, but like the cinema it is still a fairly young art form. This genre came into existence shortly after the invention of the movie camera in 1888 and has endured for over one-hundred years. Science fiction is adaptive; it changes with the times and this trend can be seen in its incorporation of other genres, cultural history …

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…for many advances in special effects and is affected by changes in real science. Science fiction is truly a genre that reflects society and its values. Newman, Kim. Millennium Movies: End of the World Cinema. London: Titan Books, 1999. Telotte, J.P. Science Fiction Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 Mitchell, Charles P. A Guide to Apocalyptic Cinema. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2001 Frank, Alan. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Hand Book. Totowa: Barns & Noble Books, 1982