An essay about the miserable mother in "In the Land of the Free" by Sui Sin Far.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In The Land of the Free In the story "In the Land of the Free", Sui Sin Far describes the sadness and melancholy of a young mother, Lea Choo, when she had to be separated from her son when they entered the U.S because her son did not have a necessary certificate entitling him to admission to this country. This story traced back to the time after 1870 when a huge number of immigrants from …

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…There cannot be any law that would keep a child from his mother." She regularly hoped to come to the U.S. Now, she knew that immoral and unemotional laws of this land brought the depression and sober to her. She saw her dream was broken into pieces. Ironically,"In the Land of Hope" symbolizes that when people enter this dreamland, the U.S., they see all their hopes about a beautiful land are destroyed.