An essay about the life of Muhammad Ali as a religious and philosophical figure rather than just a sporting athlete.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Muhammad Ali It has been said that there are few opportunities in life to prove yourself a man; Muhammad Ali took advantage of every one that came his way, in doing so became loved by not only his countrymen, but also the world, and became immortal in his own time. In a world where the most of the global population is living in poverty it seems that people all over are in need of hope. …

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…in 1974. He continued to uplift people around the world by continually proving that the underdog can and does win. He proved this in 1978 by taking the world title a record 3 times. In a time where hope was fading from the social scene of many people's lives Muhammad Ali was the hero that they needed, the man who proved that with enough faith in yourself not only will the opposition fall but also mountains will fall.