An essay about the comparision of two novels with intertextual links.

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Many novels focus on the issues of teenage life, but few incorporate the issues of war. The Divine Wind by Garry Disher and Children Of The River by Linda Crew are two such examples. The Divine Wind deals with Hartley Penrose reflecting back on his life in Broome during the years of World War 2. Whilst Children Of The River deals with the story of Sundara Sovaan, an escapee of the Communist war in Cambodia, and …

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…is only Cambodian tradition, which is heavily enforced upon Sundara. Jealousy is the final theme and is evident in The Divine Wind as Hart feels much jealousy and animosity towards Jamie but the Children Of The River this is a minor theme that is seen from Jonathan's girlfriend towards Sundara. Although these themes and characters may be conveyed in a different context it is still very easy to see the similarities and differences between them.