An anti-affirmative action paper with sources plus extra data many quotations.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Affirmative Action was first used in 1965 by the Johnson Administration in passing executive order 11246. It stated that contractors being paid with public funds must hire employees "without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin" (US Department of Labor). Affirmative Action has been expanded to include college admissions and more regulations concerning government contracts. These new expansions in the program apply the use of quotas and preferential treatment. Minority applicants get special boosts …

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…orado, for example. At the flagship University of Colorado at Boulder, test score differences between black and white students have been more than 200 points -- and only 39 percent of the black students graduated, compared to 72 percent of white students. Meanwhile, at the University of Colorado at Denver, where the SAT score difference was a negligible 30 points, there was also a negligible difference in graduation rates -- 50 percent for blacks and 48 percent for whites. (Thomas Sowell)