An analytical outlook, the uses of reverse psychology in "The Cask of Amontillado"

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"Neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his destruction." These lines show us Montresor's true intentions of deceiving Fortunato into death with out him knowing of it. A mission well accomplished thanks to the help of Reverse Psychology. The ideal definition of reverse psychology is the …

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…the catacombs with him, the more he was eager to. A victim to reverse psychology was Fortunato, and that was what lead him to his death. Finally Montresor and Fortunato entered the catacombs and walked towards where the amontillado supposedly was. It is here where Montresor builds a wall around the intoxicated Fortunato, and it is here where Fortunato dies as a victim of his pride, and most importantly as a victim of reverse psychology.