An analytical essay on Henry James' "Daisy Miller." This essay debates Daisy's innocence.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A Cultural Conflict <Tab/>Daisy Miller, a young American woman traveling abroad, falls into problems with European society and its social standards. An independent young woman, Daisy does not want to simply succumb to these constraining ideas, as many other Americans living abroad such as Winterbourne are inclined. Representing a freer and more natural method of social interaction, she struggles in a rigid, conservative society. Henry James exposes Winterbourne's problems in …

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…of the tension between Europe and America. While Daisy Miller seems intentionally rebellious and unruly to Europeans, she is actually innocent and fun loving. Europeans such as Mrs. Costello and Mrs. Walker are simply creating an environment that isolates her. Although the European customs, adopted by these older American women, seem silly and formal to her, Daisy is in Europe and she must eventually face the consequences of rebelling against the customs of her country.