An analysis of two themes found the film "Becket," and how those themes can be relevant today. Done as a contemporary to Murder in the Cathedrial and Canterbury Tales.

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There are a number of themes that can be extracted from the play based film, "Becket." They range everywhere from loyalty, honor, and friendship to politics and religious views of the time and concepts of secular and spiritual seperations. Many of these concepts presented in the film hold much contemporary relavance. What seems to be the most prevalent theme in "Becket" is honor. When looking into the film, we are made to ask the question "…

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…calling" after he becomes Archbishop. Dispite the change in some of the facts, I felt that the film was effective overall in making a stong comment about the relationship of church and secular authorities of the time. By incorperating themes such as friendship and honor, the writer seemed to solidify the fact that church would always hold more influence over one's life more so then any other relationship, no matter how close it may be.