An analysis of the metophorics themes in the book "Obasan" written by Joy Kogawa

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Hitler, a fanatic in almost everyone's book, has killed and tortured millions during the years he led Germany; however, this does not mean all Germans are fanatics, so why were the Japanese-Canadians ostracized in Canada during and after World War II? Racism and racial conflict have caused great turmoil all over the world for centuries; events such as the Holocaust are very well know but the dark past of Canada is not. In the time …

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…part of Canada's history in the eyes of the Japanese and will be for a long time to come; however, time does heal wounds and people will eventually forget what took place. The white Canadians prosecuted the Japanese based on color and culture. Although most of the people who were ostracized in this novel were Canadians by birth, people believed that they were Japanese still. They believed that they were "Under the Blood Red Sun".