An analysis of the character Le Ly in Oliver Stone's "Heaven and Earth"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
"The Spoils of War" In Oliver Stone's Heaven and Earth, Le Ly is born into a time of tranquility, in which the people of her village live as they have for many centuries. Everything is structured; everyone has his place. Then a warplane streaks across the sky, and in a moment all she knows is destroyed. Le Ly's destiny will take her from the rice fields of Vietnam to the suburbs of California. For average …

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…every victorious army, the mountain has always been there. This suffering will go away, personal tragedies pass on with the individual and eventually all wars come to an end, but the land will remain. Heaven and Earth will undoubtedly change places time and again, and we will always be trapped in the middle. However, if we live our lives to the fullest then living will not be worthless no matter how awful it may become.