An analysis of characters from the books "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe, and "Houseboy" by Ferdinand Oyino

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Okonkwo, from the novel Things Fall Apart, and Toundi, from the novel Houseboy, both held flawed ideals, which, when placed within the context of colonialism, resulted in their demise. Okonkwo held an African ideal, believing that he was an example of what real men should be like, especially when he himself delivered the death blow to Ikemefuna. Toundi held a European ideal, believing that the Europeans were perfect in their ways, especially within their nuclear …

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…perfect nuclear family was just a façade. His inability to act on the gap between his ideal and reality lead to his death in the end of the novel. Okonkwo and Toundi both met an early death because of their inability to look past their false ideals and into reality. They were not truly in sync with either of their societies, and by failing to recognize this, their destruction was ensured.