An analysis of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust and various poetic works.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Birth and Education Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was brought into the world on August, 28th, 1749, in Frankfurt, Germany. His father was a well-respected German, who at the time was wealthy, educated, and of high social class. His mother was the progeny of the councilor, Textor. His mother inspired Goethe by making up stories as a child. In some ways this sparked the beginning of his career. (Encarta, 2) Goethe's father, as a man of power, sought …

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…r self-realization and finding truth. (Dotson, 58). Even though Faust could have ended his life at any second by drinking the poison, he did not do so immediately. In this scene he has found his true self. As he provides a textual picture, "Christ is arisen! / Joy be to the Mortal / Whom corruptible / Clinging, inherited / Imperfection imprisoned!" (Ll. 572 - 576). This graphical image only lasts with him for several seconds, and then he departs to Mephistopheles. (Dotson, 64).