An analysis of Hemingway's style in Soldier's Home.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ernest Hemingway's "Soldier's Home" has received much attention, especially from the Vietnam-era baby boomers. Like many of his pieces, the story is much more complex then it seems on the surface. Mr. Hemingway is renowned for his description, though he is sometimes criticized for the seeming simplicity of "Soldier's Home." Upon closer examination, the story becomes not only a simple tale of a young man returning from war, but also a story of a commonplace …

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…careful way. In conclusion, Ernest Hemingway's "Soldier's Home" is a carefully laid out story. The author chooses his words carefully, and makes sure that each sentence serves some purpose in the overall effect he is aiming to achieve. By utilizing writing techniques that support the author's theme, he sets himself apart from other writers. Mr. Hemingway is able to attain this goal while not bogging down the reader with complicated sentence structure and tiresome description.