An Oral Assessment on David Malouf's Remembering Babylon

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Question: Discuss the use of symbolism, metaphors and other poetic devices in Malouf's Remembering Babylon. This was an oral assessment that I presented, and it got me my highest mark for the year! It is not fully written(only the intro and the conclusion are) but it could be incredibly helpful for anyone studying this enjoyable text. Enjoy! :) Throughout Remembering Babylon, Malouf uses symbols, metaphors and other poetic devices to communicate and enhance the themes …

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…the text, and while this may not create the results which Malouf intended, it allows for numerous readings of the text. To conclude, Malouf has effectively used symbols, metaphors and other techniques to enhance the themes and issues of Remembering Babylon. He has achieved this by placing certain language and objects into the text, and when these are contextualised they allow for a greater understanding of what Malouf was attempting to purvey to the reader.