"An Old Woman" by Arun Kolatkar and "Nothing's Changed" by Tatamkhulu Afrika.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Chose to or more other cultures poems you have studied. How do the poets present the theme of protest? 'What else can an old woman do?' 'We know where we belong' These two quotes, the first from An Old Woman by Arun Kolatkar and the second from Nothing's Changed by Tatamkhulu Afrika, both seem to show a sense of abandoned protest and although the poems are from two very different cultures the theme of …

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… his clever use of emotions, like the way he tells how he would do anything to put an end to segregation. As there is no turning point in Nothing's Changed pity is felt throughout the poem and I think this keeps the audience interested. In An Old Woman it's the excellent use of imagery that keeps the audience engaged. This makes the two poems completely different as well as the different cultures and traditions.