An NCRR statement: Remembering August 10, 1988

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
August 10, 1988, was a historic day, for it symbolized hope that our country has perhaps learned a lesson about protecting the rights of its citizens and other residents during times of great crisis. It should be remembered by Japanese Americans and all Americans as much as February 19, 1942. August 10 was the date on which the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 (CLA) was signed into law, which was our government_s act to acknowledge that it had committed a …

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…compelling one. The large media coverage at our candlelight vigil demonstrated that. Norman Mineta, as Secretary of Transportation, has invoked the internment experience in justifying his steadfast and effective refusal to allow racial profiling in screening airline passengers. NCRR urges you to raise your voice about Attorney General Ashcroft_s proposal and other concerns by writing or calling President Bush or Attorney General Ashcroft. We must not allow what happened to us to happen again.