"An Inspector Calls".

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The first scene I have chosen is the one where the Inspector begins his questioning of Mr.Birling. I feel that Priestley is successful in creating dramatic tension in this scene in a number of ways. The characters themselves; how they see themselves and what they think of themselves adds to the tension of the scene. Birling sees himself as a 'hard headed business man', who has learnt in 'the good hard school of experience.…

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…by this sudden chain of events creates immense and instant dramatic tension, which the play ends with. Though the play ends immediately after Mr.Birling tells them about the phone call, the reactions of the characters to this news is known through the stage direction; there is a short paragraph describing the facial expression of the actors, when they 'stare guiltily and dumbfounded' - this adds even more tension to the ending of the play.