An Experience I will never forget!

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I lay still sprawled on my back on the carpet floor, barely breathing or moving. NO! I wasn't trying to commit suicide by asphyxiating. In the middle of my abdomen was a spasm that had contracted so much that the pain was almost unbearable. It was a good agonizing seven minutes before it finally subsided, leaving my abdominal muscles sore as never before. Outside the mercury rose in the sweltering Vietnamese heat as midday approached. …

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…this is what it probably feels like so I thought. After what I just been through sleep was but evanescent. I was in retrospect. For a while during the whole episode, a sort of fear like never before had gripped me. I had overcome it. This thought was comforting it made me feel stronger from within. I had learnt that fear had to be confronted and with grit and determination any fear can be overcome!