An Ethical and Practical Defense of Affirmative Action

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
An Ethical and Practical Defense of Affirmative Action Affirmative action has been the subject of increasing debate and tension in American society. However, the debate over affirmative action has become ensnared in rhetoric that pits equality of opportunity against the equality of results. The debate has been more emotional than intellectual, and has generated more tension than shed light on the issue. Participants in the debate have over examined the ethical and moral issues that …

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…average board scores, has excellent person skills, and practiced law as the county defendant in an inner-city neighborhood. Under the traditional system of merit the white Harvard graduate gets the appointment hands down. But under affirmative action policies the Black Howard graduate receives the job. Why is this the optimal situation? The Black lawyer brings non-traditional, but certainly valid, qualifications to the table that are not recognized under our current system of merit. In f