An Essay on Frederick Douglass and how when writing his narrative his ability to face his past limited himself in expressing himself in his book

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Essay Database > Literature
The Complex Emotions of Frederick Douglass For a book to be successful it is important to not only send a message and to educate, but it is also important to appeal to a wide audience. With Frederick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass needs to appeal to the white man for people to hear his story. While this may be true, it is important to remember the very powerful emotions felt by …

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…as he grows older and educates himself he is able to understand them more and express them to his readers. The way he starts the novel from when he is a young boy is perfect since he appears to be objective and then when the reader is already sucked into Douglass's life he is older and can express his emotions and the readers do not feel manipulated because they already understand the pain Douglass felt.