An Essay drawing connections between the Vietnam War and the fictional novel of "The Things They Carried".

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Emotions of War: Parallels Between "The Things They Carried" and the real Vietnam War is like fog, it moves to and fro, it comes as a slow moving loom and leaves like a flash; as it dissipates it leaves behind dampness. If the fog is war then the dampness is the emotions; that is the residual affects of war. The emotions are things that stick to everyone "In war, there are no unwounded soldiers (Narosky)". …

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…amp;lt;> O'Brien Tim. The Things They Carried. Penguin, New York, 1990. "The Legacy of Psychological Trauma from the Vietnam War for American Indian Military <Tab/>Personnel." U.S Department of Veteran Affairs. 22 July 2005. 4 May 2006. <Tab/><Tab/><>