An Essay On The Major Events Leading Up To The American Revolution. (1763-1775)

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One of the earliest events which eventually led to the American Revolutionary War was the Proclamation of 1763. This edict restricted European settlement of land to that which lay east of the Appalachian Mountains in order to avert new conflicts with the Indians on the west side. As an attempt to legislate racial harmony, the Proclamation was an abject failure. As an attempt to keep the colonies under further British domination, it was part of a …

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…adopted a petition to the king called the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. The Congress declared the British reform program unconstitutional and voted to establish a Third Nonimportation Movement. To execute this boycott the Congress created a Continental Association. This was an assemblage of local boards the purpose of which was to muster patriotic zeal. The fuse had now been lit. It was merely a waiting game until the powderkeg did indeed explode on April 19, 1775.