"An Astrologer's Day" by R.K Narayan. It is about an astrologer that practices vedic astrology also known as " the science of light".

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Foreshadowing an astrologers day "An Astrologer's Day" by R.K Narayan is about an astrologer who practices Vedic astrology also known as "the science of light." Which means the author mainly adds foreshadowing to create suspense and interest. Therefore the three main examples are, his eyes sparkled with sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of his own, the astrologer had left his village without any previous thought or plan, also the astrologer shivered …

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…all makes sense at the end because when he was a youngster, the stranger who challenges him was the person that drank and gambled with him but also quarreled badly one day, to the point where the stranger is stabbed and left for dead. The stranger was a great load and the blood that he wanted for all those years when he decided to leave his village without any thought because the stranger was alive.