An Assessment of Option House, a Shelter for Battered Women.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Option House is a family violence intervention and prevention services agency providing a temporary crisis intervention shelter program in San Bernardino and Fontana with a total of 41 beds. Their mission statement calls for providing outreach services, legal services, information, education, and awareness to family violence victims. Their philosophy of promoting the health, safety and rights of victims of family violence, and promoting the education of the community, as listed in their statement of purpose, is …

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…being killed, this United Way member agency makes an immeasurable contribution to the community. My overall assessment of Option House is that it is effectively able to fulfill its mission to assist agency clientele in obtaining and maintaining the desired outcome--an independent and productive lifestyle free of violence and abuse. I would refer people to this agency, without reservation. Time permitting, I would use some of the services myself, such as legal clinics and classes.