An Argument in favor of Governmental Intervention regarding Population Control

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Overpopulation is exactly what it sounds like, over-population and crowding. It is a growing concern that faces everyone. Between 1991 and 1997, 6,944,591 immigrants poured into the United States. (NPG Facts and Figures, "Us Immigration Levels") Every year, children are being born as well, adding to overpopulation. In 1998, the US infant mortality rate was 7.2 percent of 1,000 live births. This number increased in 1998 to 3,944,046, a 2 percent increase over the previous year. The population of the US grew by 1,605,976 individuals, …

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…resources will have on our population. Famine alone is not the reason for a decrease in numbers, it is famine combined with the loss of shelter, medicine, water, clean air and the like. I do believe that the United States government, as a major power in the world's force, has an obligation to prevent overpopulation. This not only affects our nation and lives, but the lives of so many other nations that share our earth.