An Analysis of the Populist Party's Premature Fall into Obscurity.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
An Analysis of the Populist Party's Premature Fall into Obscurity Question: After its startling successes of the late 1880's and early 1890's, why did the Populist Party quickly fade into oblivion after 1896? Key Words: Analyze - examine the motives; answer the question Time Period: 1880's-1900 Geography: United States of America, specifically the Midwest Type of History: Political, Economical Thesis: While a number of factors contributed to the demise of the Populist Party, the failed election …

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…agricultural economy, and many other arguments brought forth by the populists were still argued after their demise following the Election of 1896. Without the populists, the gold standard may have remained longer, and we may have even retained it today. The populists challenged things everyday Americans took for granted, and taught us a valuable lesson. Things can be changed, and those changes, while hard to bring about, can be for the betterment of the entire nation.