An Analysis of Sherman Alexies short story Lawyers League from Ten Little Indians how its theme of racism is apparent in the story.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Racism Destroys Us All <Tab/>How many people would say they are prejudiced? Although most people are prejudiced about something, they would probably say they have no prejudices. Perhaps the most painful form of prejudice is racism. Although most of us try to avoid the issue of racism, it is all around us. It is unavoidable. In his story, "Lawyers League," Sherman Alexie confronts racism and its effects openly. He tells …

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…this over the years on both small and large scales. Through his story, Sherman Alexie portrays how we can be both the victim and the perpetuator of racism. He also reminds us of how one small act can destroy a person's dreams for their future. Some people think that racism is a thing of the past in the United States. Just listening to the news everyday tells us that unfortunately racism is here to stay.