An American Tragedy

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Table of Contents 3. Book Information A.Title B.Number of Pages C.Copyright and Publication 4. Author Information a.Name b.Family History c.Education d.Death e.Literary Achievements 5.List of Works 6.Characters 7.Characterization, Conflicts, Settings, and Exposition 8. Plot, Climax, and Resolution 9. Theme, Point of View, and Symbolism 10.Summary 11.Personal Critique Book Information Title: An American Tragedy Number of Pages: 856 Copyright Date: September 1964 Publication: New American Library Author Information Theodore Dreiser was born in Terre …

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…first-degree murder. The cause of the guilty verdict is Clyde telling his true intentions to kill Roberta to one person Reverend McMillan. McMillan shares his confessions with the governor, which ruins his last hope. When this news was brought about they sentenced Clyde to die in the electric chair. Clyde dies unsure of why the reverend was not willing to lie for him. The reverend did feel a little guilty for the death of Clyde.