An Age of Prosperity and Conflicts

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Essay Database > History
The 20's was a decade of prosperity and entertainment as well as conflicts. Historians emphasize how Americans were living a life of wealth, but forget to mention the problems of society. Cultural, economic, racial, social, religious and political conflicts that plagued America remain unnoticeable and silent in its history. Amongst the life of prosperity and entertainment of the 1920's, the Americans suffered a life of unending conflicts. Prosperity of the 1920's affected many Americans improve …

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…decade of advantages as well as disadvantages. America was an improving as a nation, but halted by its many conflicts. The nation's fate depends on the prosperity of the people, and if it can resolve their problems of cultural, economic, racial, social, religious and political conflicts, the future may look bright. The entertainment and prosperity changes were new trends that benefited American life, and hopefully changes by settling disputes will benefit American life as well.