An Account Of The Production History Of The Fleischer Brothers Studios

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Fleischer Studios was an animation company that was headed by brothers, Max and Dave Fleischer who were both East Coast American animators. The company opened in 1921 and at the time was Disney's biggest competitor. Originally from Vienna, Max and Dave Fleischer immigrated to New York in the 1880's along with their Jewish family that included another brother Joe who would later contribute to the Fleischer's success. Max Fleischer studied art at Cooper Union and the …

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…Bray Studios in New York, who were by then producing training films for the US navy. Dave stayed in Hollywood to head Columbia's Screen Gems cartoon unit and worked as a script doctor. The Fleischers were never able to regain their previous successes and were never a major force in the animation industry again, but their films and characters have remained popular up to this day thanks to their mix of technical skill and humour.