Amygdala activity
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Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Science & Technology
Review of "Amygdala activity at correlated with long-term, free recall of emotional information"
This article reviewed an experiment that tested the role of the amygdala in emotional memory. To be specific it hypothesized that if the amygdaloid complex (AC) was primarily involved with the formation of long-term memory during emotionally arousing situations, then the PET analysis would reveal AC activity related to retention of the relative emotional, but not relatively neutral, films.
The experiment used
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presented the information in the scientific paper with only a few confusing spots. As stated earlier, they failed to state why eight male right-handed subjects were used. The experimenters also didn't test "positive" emotional clips; they only tested "negative" emotional clips. This may have changed the findings if this had been done. Another weakness of the experiment was not stating how the subtraction method worked, making it hard to follow some parts of the paper.
presented the information in the scientific paper with only a few confusing spots. As stated earlier, they failed to state why eight male right-handed subjects were used. The experimenters also didn't test "positive" emotional clips; they only tested "negative" emotional clips. This may have changed the findings if this had been done. Another weakness of the experiment was not stating how the subtraction method worked, making it hard to follow some parts of the paper.