Amy Tan The Joy Luck Club

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Kaitlin Sump Amy Tan was born in 1952, in Oakland, California to Chinese immigrants John and Daisy Tan. Her family eventually settled in Santa Clara. When Tan was in her early teens, her father and one of her brothers died of brain tumors within months of each other. During this period Tan learned that her mother had been married before, to an abusive husband in China. After divorcing him, her mother fled China during the Communist …

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…and stops feeling doubt of her and Suyuan's relationship with each other. In The Joy Luck Club each mother and daughter learned different things from each other. Also, it talks about the transition from China to America and how the Chinese raised mothers must raise their daughters in America but keep their Chinese values. Jing-mei's story represents her mother to her two half sisters as well as the struggle of relationships between mother and daughter.