AmosThe Prophet of the North

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Amos: The Prophet of the North Around 750 BCE, Amos, a shepherd from Judah, goes north to preach against the sinful kingdom of Israel. Amos was a prophet from the town of Tekoh in Juda. He was unassuming, but bold and fearless when called to bear witness against the evils of his day. Prior to his call to the prophetic office, Amos was a shepherd who devoted a part of his time to tending sycamore trees …

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…When Jesus said," to love your neighbor, " he meant to love all of your neighbors, weather they be next door, next state, or even in another country. However, Amos would say to especially reach out to the ones that are poor and weak. I think he would stress that life is too short, and God gave us a good one. Meaning that we should take advantage of it, and befriend and take care of all.