Amor De Cosmos: The Spark of Confederation for British Columbia

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Amor de Cosmos played a significant role in bringing British Columbia into Confederation. He founded the newspaper, the British Colonist, and held a number of major governmental positions. Although faced with many obstacles, De Cosmos accomplished three very important political issues. In the first few years of his political career, while in the provincial government, he succeeded in bringing together the two west coast colonies - British Columbia and Vancouver Island, and establishing self-government in …

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…wants everyone to have an equal chance and move on to the same cause. <Tab/>Amor de Cosmos had done numerous tasks to help make British Columbia what it is today. From the beginning of his political career, until he retired as Premier of British Columbia, he never gave up. He is one of the great fathers of the Confederation of Canada, and probably the most important figure for British Columbia.