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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Amistad is a recreation of the true story about an 1839 slave revolt on a small Spanish schooner, La Amistad, ironically the Spanish word for "friendship." Spielberg does a great job in recreating the Amistad revolt that spurred a series of trials beginning in the lower courts of Connecticut and ultimately ending in the Supreme Court. Events following the revolt raise controversial questions about slavery and freedom. This case not only marks a milestone for
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letter that was written by Kali, one of the African children. In this emotional letter she makes the statement, "All We Want Is Make Us Free". Speilberg keeps the movie from becoming too depressing by adding a lot of lighthearted humor. The outcome helps to leave you feeling that against all odds, justice prevailed. I give Amistad **** and would recommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy a heart felt story out of American History.
letter that was written by Kali, one of the African children. In this emotional letter she makes the statement, "All We Want Is Make Us Free". Speilberg keeps the movie from becoming too depressing by adding a lot of lighthearted humor. The outcome helps to leave you feeling that against all odds, justice prevailed. I give Amistad **** and would recommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy a heart felt story out of American History.