Amish Religion

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Essay Database > Literature > English
 Religion: -Amish  Founder: -Jacob Amman derived the name Amish, he was a Swiss Mennonite bishop, and insisted that discipline within the church be maintained by shunning those excommunicated. -Hans Nussbaum was the original Amish founder from Alsace. -Maxmilien Robespeare ruled France, Germany and Alsace, and was involved in the Amish immigration to America. -William Overholt was a major Amish influence. -Abraham Miller was a major Amish influence in 1893.  When: -1792  Events Surrounding Beginning: -The Amish …

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…Involving Religion: -The Amish have been living conservatively for over 200 years, and although they have made headlines, they normally stay out of major papers. I looked through many newspapers, and newspaper search engines, and the articles normally covered no more than a small issue about either disagreement on rights, or segregation from normal life. The disputes are normally solved quite quickly and with little trouble due to the Amish peoples passiveness and simplicity of life.