America's True Dream

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Essay Database > History > North American History
America's True Dream Throughout the centuries, history gives us multiple examples of dictators, emperors', Pharaohs', and Kings' finding power through dominance of individual freedom. They controlled lands, travel, waterways, and food supplies, hitting at the most basic needs of human survival. Then they broke apart the common bonds of community and replaced security with fear, to strike at the emotions of the human heart. America was birthed in the hope of something better. The American …

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…we lag behind. Freedom is a condition of the human heart expressed in how he chooses to live out his life, regardless of circumstances or country. We are still the best example left of a community of people going together for the advancement of more personal freedoms. The real myth is to believe that they are the same thing. We're putting ourselves into bondage when seeking personal freedom and understanding little of freedom of heart.