America's Dream

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Essay Database > Literature
America, a word that is considered to stand for freedom and of chance. But to a small island off the coast of Puerto Rico it is the name of a beautiful 28-year-old hotel maid in the novel "America's Dream" by Esmeralda Santiago. She lives a life of anger and helplessness controlled and held down by her married boyfriend, Correa, who beats her. Being resented by her alcoholic mother, Ester, and hated by her daughter, Rosalinda, …

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…looking for a good time, returning to your grand beach house from a foreign country, or just trying to earn a living. She also explains to the reader some stereotypes that are mentioned and how each character deals with each situation. Towards the end of the story Correa tries to murder America and ends up dieing himself. Showing courage America defeated the only person in her life that was holding her back from doing anything.