American incompetancy as a Cause of Southern Vietnamese downfall

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Essay Database > History
The American presence in Vietnam had steadily increased from the Truman administration to Kennedy's decision to initiate greater American involvement in the early 1960's. The US policy since the beginning of the Cold War had been containment of Communist aggression and advances. However, since the ill-advised escalation of American involvement into the Vietnamese civil war, the circumstances of Vietnam continually intensified and a lack of unity and structure prevailed within American foreign policy. The fatal …

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…country and the general public opposition to the war effort in Vietnam. Overall, the movement eroded support for Johnson and Nixon, especially by the informed public. The divisions of the American population and its leaders led to a heavily debated and often criticized foreign policy for the Vietnam War. With its damnation, the Kennedy/Johnson policy and Americanization of the war fell in hindsight of beliefs in Vietnamization and great urges for a settled peace.