American fast food in china

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Introduction: Global competition is driving changes in organizations throughout the world. Companies are attempting to gain a competitive advantage, which can be provided by international expansion. Deciding whether to enter foreign markets and whether to develop market share in other countries is not the simple issue. Marketing globally is becoming a significant factor for all types of organizations in light of the far-reaching effects of globalization. Doing business globally requires that adaptations be made to …

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…globalization, organizations are in a position to reap the many benefits related to cultural diversity. In the 21st-century global marketplace, digitalization, information technology, intellectual property, and communication systems will shift to the control of the consumer in most marketing systems. This shift will put the customer at the center and they will control the marketing system (Schultz & Kitchen 2000, p. 31). To satisfy the customer's need, global market communication will be more emphasized than ever.