American Skinheads

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The closely shaved scalp and spouting white-supremacist beliefs are difficult to miss. Indeed, American skinheads have carved out a niche for their radical and very violent approach to what they deem as social and racial injustice, much the same way the Ku Klux Klan has achieved for its members throughout the twentieth century. As the world continues to spiral toward complete and utter eradication, there exists a select sector of the population that refuses to …

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…pp. online. Gay, Kathlyn. (1997). Neo-Nazis: A Growing Threat. Issues in Focus, (Enslow Publishers, Inc.). Hamm, Mark S. (1993). American Skinheads: The Criminology and Control of Hate Crime. (Praeger Publishers). Mousavideh, Nader. "Civil wars: From L.A. to Bosnia. (book reviews).," The New Republic, vol. 211, (1994) : November, pp. 70(4). Phillips, Angela. "Like father, like son. (causes of juvenile delinquency).," New Statesman & Society, vol. 6, (1993) : November, pp. 32(2). Polakow-Suransky, Sasha. "From apathy to activism: challenging America's disempowered youth.," Tikkun, vol. 21, (1997) : January-February, pp. 62(2).