American Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
LaToyer Boone Exam 1 If, as is often said, history is the study of change over time, then the American Revolution is an ideal case study for historical understanding. The Revolution presents a wide range of issues having to do with the nature, causation, mechanisms, and extent of historical change. Of those issues, the one which stands out the most is the idea that the American Revolution was a conservative war led by men of prestige …

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…the revolution was led by men of property who sought a government that would secure their own self interests. The war was also a conservative one based on the radicals who were not really "radical". Also, the Americans were not a perfect people, so they could not create a perfect union as some believed. But despite their lapses and their failures, in the end, Americans left the words independence, the nation, liberty, and equality unsoiled.