American Revolution: was american revolution just?

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Essay Database > History > World History
Unjust American Revolution The revolutionaries were guilty of an unjustified revolution. During the American Revolution in the 18th century, the reaction of the American colonists to the British government was violent and radical. The revolutionaries did not try to compromise with England but made unjustifiable demands. The colonists reacted to the British government violently with the crimes beyond a reasonable doubt. Britain helped America in the French and Indian war. America was in debt to …

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…the colonists and suggested them to tax themselves, giving them a chance to decide the money they could raise, but they refused it. Without the meaning of compromise, the revolutionaries reacted to the British government using violence and force causing the crimes. In spite of the trials of peaceful agreement by Britain, the colonists had no intention of pacific negotiation. Moreover, their intensive reaction and radical overthrow of the government made the American Revolution unjustified.