American Revolution Timeline (from the Proclamation of 1763 - the battle of Lexington and Concord)

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
(British) Proclamation of 1763 Once the Native Americans retreated after Pontiac's Rebellion, the British issued the Proclamation of 1763, which forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mts. (Colonist) Proclamation of 1763 The colonists were angry about the proclamation. They thought that they had won the right to settle the Ohio River Valley. The British government was angry with the colonists, who did not want to pay for their own defense. (British) Sugar Act In 1764, parliament passed …

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…few minutes, eight militiamen lay dead. The British then marched to Concord, where they destroyed military supplies. A battle broke out at a bridge north of town, forcing the British to retreat. Nearly 4000 minutemen and militiamen arrived in the area. They lined up along the road from Concord to Lexington and peppered the retreating redcoats with musket fire. Only the arrival of 1000 more troops saved the British from destruction as they scrambled back to Boston.