American Revoluitions against the british in 1775-1783.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American colonists won there war against the British for several reasons. They had an alliance with France who was enemies of Britain; they had home soil advantage and a different style of fighting all these factors contribute to the eventual overthrow of British rule. The two battles, Lexington and Concord had many similarities as the people who actually fought in these battles were called "minutemen" making arms with whatever they could. They were tradesmen …

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…and money. This was a very big bonus and a much appreciated one by the Colonists who managed to overthrow Britain. The Americans eventually overthrew the British by Determination, Heart, There so called "Army" of armed civilians "Minutemen", the determination to become independent and the help of France with Money, ships and soldiers. The Americans pulled off one of the greatest revolutions we have ever seen and continue to be the world's super power today