American Politics in the 1790s

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Essay Database > History > North American History
America was beginning to develop during the 1790's. The country had broken away from Great Britain and now former British colonists had to uphold the country on there own. With George Washington leading the United States, with the constitution in hand, the country was on its way. However, also during this time, the French Revolution had exploded, and making its influence known in America. Many domestic affairs, such as, maintaining the economy and creating government, …

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…was (Garraty). During the 1790's, American politics were shaping around the domestic and foreign affairs surrounding it. But, domestic affairs had a much greater impact. Most of the foreign occurrences were from France; it would only seem likely that politics an ocean away would not have a greater influence on the politics existing in one's own country. Works Cited Garraty, John. "Daniel Shays Little Rebellion." The American Nation. Ed. Bruce Borland. New York: HarperCollins College, 1979. 136