American Pageant Chapter 4 IDs

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Chapter four Ids Indentured Servitude 1. System in which people paid for their transportation to America by pledging to perform a certain number of years service for the landowner 2. Created to help solve the labor shortage in Virginia 3. Many people were left unemployed and jobless after their time of servitude was over Historical Significance: Indentured Servitude helped solve some labor shortage problems and also helped increase the population in the colonies. Headright System 1. One headright was …

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…one of the major companies in England to start the slave trade. Once the companies monopoly was taken away, the amount of slave trade increased to an even greater amount in England New York Slave Revolt 1. Took place in 1712 2. Armed slaves set buildings in the middle of town on fire 3. Nine whites were killed and six others were wounded Historical Significance: After this revolt, New York slaves lost many of the few rights they had