American Justice

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Countless times you find that people go to jail, and it is of no fought of there own. They end-up telling there children crazy stories so that they won't find out what really happen and why daddy or mommy can't come home. Some tell there families that they are on a secret mission, others say they are out of town on business, but what ever the reason we have to come up with a better …

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…which is like plea bargaining, Round 2. Their time behind bars was extended because they "declined to accept responsibility" for the rape they didn't commit, as reported in the New York Times. Constitutional protections like the right against self-incrimination don't apply to parole hearings, either. You don't have to confess, but extra years of prison are the price if you don't. Work sited Website Why Innocent People Confess Microsoft, 2003 June 27, 2005, from