American Industrial Revolution (1870-1920)

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Essay Database > History
The American Industrial Revolution (1870-1920) changed the United States citizens from an agricultural people to one that was highly industrialized. They began to performed much of their work in factories and on machines. This transition took fifty years and caused a dramatic change in the nation's economic history. Many changes came about during the American Industrial Revolution (1870-1920). In 1870, the United States' population was approximately 36 million people. 70 percent of the population were farmers. In 1900, the …

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…act. In the Pullman Strike of 1894, strikers for the railroad attacked cars and innocent passengers. A group called the Debs (1855-1926) were charged withe conspiracy to riot. They hired a lawyer named Darrow (1857-1938) to defend them. He managed to get the conspiracy charges against the Debs dropped and put on the railroad executives. The Americans attracted both immigrant labor and investment. American innovations and business ability assited in creating large industry and mass production.